Past projects: Staveley Community Land Trust

Andy Lloyd from the Cumbria Rural Housing Trust gave a talk to SENS in Spring 2013 about Community Land Trusts (CLTs). In 2015, a small steering group was established to investigate the actions needed to set up a CLT, and how it would be structured to best serve the needs of the parishes of Staveley, Ings and Kentmere.

The group worked with the parish council on what steps needed to be taken initially and had introductory discussions with the National Park planners. It secured a start-up grant that enabled the Steering Group to get some project management support from the Cumbria Rural Housing Trust.

It also produced a Housing Needs survey to clarify what the real need is in the community today and held an open day at the Staveley Carnival in 2015 to look at the varied assets that the parishes already have, and what potential there is to develop these further.