Our Skills & Repair Cafés take place at The Pavilion, Staveley. Check our events page for upcoming dates.
We ALL have broken items and half-finished repair jobs hanging around the house! Visit our Repair Café to get help and learn new skills.
The repair café is a place where you can join us for a cuppa and a chat while volunteers work on repairing anything from household items like kettles and computers to bikes and garden tools. The focus is on making things last, which means you save money and the environment.
If you’ve got something that needs sewing or an electrical item on the blink, our fantastic fixers will help you to complete those odd jobs that you never quite get around to.
Keep an eye on our calendar & social media for upcoming Repair Café dates, or join our mailing list to be the first to hear about upcoming sessions – email senstaveley@gmail.com to be added.
New volunteers are very welcome! If you’re handy and like to help people, please get in touch.