If you suspect that there’s been a sewage discharge into the River Kent and notice a strange smell or odd-looking stretch of water or any other signs of pollution, please immediately report this:
first to the Environment Agency (EA) – 0800 807060
then to South Cumbria Rivers Trust (SCRT) via their online incident form
Please also let CRKC know – email senstaveley@gmail.com
For an emergency situation contact:
United Utilities 24/7 line – 0345 672 3723
The report to EA, SCRT and us as above.
Further details for United Utilities:
River Rangers – riverrangers@uuplc.co.uk
Sharma Jencitis, Area Stakeholder Manager at United Utilities – sharma.jencitis@uuplc.co.uk)
River illness
CRKC would like to gather information about incidents of people getting ill after coming into contact with river Kent water. To report either yourself or anyone in your household getting ill after swimming in the river, please complete our short online River Illness incident survey.
We’ll plot these locations on our interactive map to build up a picture of where and when incidents are occurring, to help inform future campaigns.